Homestay promotion in Malaysia to go mobile

The promotion of homestay in Malaysia is going mobile with the launch of iPhone and Blackberry applications.
The smartphone applications, developed by MoAd Technologies, will incorporate global positioning system (GPS) enabled Google maps, photo galleries and even phrase book features.
Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen will launch the digital marketing application on Sept 29, at an event jointly held with Maxis Communications.
MoAd Technologies said in a statement yesterday the multimedia applications would boost marketing efforts, and allow tourists easier access to information during their stay in the country.

“Smart phones have gained tremendous popularity. Indeed, it is the fastest growing mobile phone segment,” the statement said.
In an instructional video available at Tourism Malaysia’s homestay promotions website,, one of the coolest features demonstrated is the phrase book.
Users will be able to select sentences like, “Where is the closest eatery?” in English, and have the application voice it out in Bahasa Malaysia.
Adding more input and output languages are future possibilities.
Other features include entries on places of interests, coupled with GPS technology that allows turn-by-turn directions. It is worth pointing out the applications also include a built-in, video-calling feature.
The feature, which connects to the Tourism Ministry, allows prospective international clients to communicate directly with homestay operators visually.
Source: The Stars.

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